The Law Office of Marc S. Stern

Marc S. Stern


How I Spent My Fall Vacation

Marc S Stern Summary A stay in a hospital for ankle replacement surgery can lead to some very strange experiences. After major surgery, the lingering effects of anesthesia can impact patients in many different ways. Anesthesia affects people in a number of ways after having major surgery. In 1991, I skied the front steps and broke my right leg in three places. The doctors told me that I would have terrible arthritis when I got [...]

2025-01-30T10:04:57-08:00January 22nd, 2025|

S5406, Washington’s New Homestead Law

S5406, Washington’s New Homestead Law1 Marc S. Stern and Christina Latta Henry On April 19, 2021 the Washington Legislature passed S5406 dealing with the Homestead law in the State of Washington. This article will deal with four (4) aspects of the law that practitioners need to know when the law becomes effective. The effective date is not yet known but the legislation contains an emergency clause that makes it effective upon signing by Governor Inslee. [...]

2021-10-30T10:05:29-07:00April 30th, 2021|

THE CONSTITUTION IS NOT A SUICIDE PACT: Quarantine, Masks, and the Constitution

As Americans, we are privileged to live in a free and open society. The Constitution guarantees our rights. However, “the Constitution is not ‘a suicide pact.’”2 Sheriffs, clergy and others claim a constitutional right to ignore stay at home orders, go unmasked, and gather in large groups. These claims are patently ridiculous. Public health is a primary reason for the formation of government. This article explores the legal bases of the government's right to order [...]

2025-01-30T10:49:48-08:00July 7th, 2020|
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